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The Patent Desk 

Hello, again

A year since…

10 Feb., 2019


365 days after a moment's inattention changed my life, I look back at what I've learned and focus my attention on the path forward. Learn how here

Fits and starts

I apologize to those who've been watching and waiting for this site to become something worth following. Life is what happens, but I' believe I'm back on track now. 

by Michael Wayne McDermott

How it all began

Current projects

I am currently rewriting The Patent Desk  and hope to have news about that soon. I want to express my thanks to those of you who have read and provided comments as PD grew through its assorted editorial incarnations. I am considering posting it here in serial fashion - let me know what you think of the idea. Meanwhile, in addition to building this site I am working on my backlog of small writing projects. 

In December, 2010, I kicked off my new Blog The View From the Briarpatch with a piece lamenting (or was it celebrating?) my descent into geezerdom. And now, eight-years-plus later, I have to say I wouldn't change a jot. Well, maybe that bit about...Oh, what the heck! You be the judge after you read it here

About this site

Welcome to my writer's site. In these virtual pages, I offer my thoughts, my friendship, my soul. I am beginning with a very basic layout and I welcome suggestions from any or all of you. Tell me what parts you love, what you could do without, when I've touched you and when I left you cold. I hope you will find herein some of my past blog posts, my short fiction, essays and random thoughts. I will also be adding newly written content, at least until the well runs dry. Thank you for joining me here; I'll try my best not to disappoint. 

Upcoming Projects

My next book is in the planning stage. Actually, the next two. I expect to begin main writing on one of them as soon as The Patent Desk is wrapped . Both will be mainstream novels centered on themes of current interest. Watch this space for more information. 

Copyright 2019 Michael Wayne McDermott 

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